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Stob Ghabhar & Stob a Choire Odhair

Stob Ghabhar and Stob a Choire Odhair - £55per person

Two Munros of the Black Mount, these mountains make for a great day out on the hills with some outstanding views and a fun mini ridge in between. A great event for those with previous hill experience as we are covering steep and rocky terrain.

What the day includes -

We will meet at 8.30am and start our walk into the hills, starting off on a landrover track before turning up into the coire and onto the mountain path. A steep pull up to our first munro of the day Stob a Choire Odhair. Once we have reached the summit we will enjoy a well deserved break and bite to eat.

We will head down to the Bealach whilst taking in the views over to the other Black Mount munros and the surrounding mountains of Glencoe. Another steep pull up to our second munro with some thrilling views back down into Allt Coirean Lochain, then on to the fun mini Aonach Eagach ridge scramble to reach the second munro. ( please note not thee Aonach Eagach ridge ). The views here are outstanding with never ending mountains all around to the glistening lochans over the empty grounds of Rannoch Moor.

There will be plenty breaks and photo opportunities throughout the day.

Heading off hill we will gradually make our way down to reach some waterfalls where the descent is steep and eroded for this section until we reach the foot of the falls, from here we have a river crossing before meeting up with the main path out for a leisurely walk back to the cars.

26 August

Intro To Scrambling - SOLD OUT

23 September

Women's Hill Skills Weekend - SOLD OUT