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2 Day Winter Skill Course - SOLD OUT

2 Days Winter Skills Course - £150 per person
Cairngorm / Aviemore area
Are you a confident summer hiker looking to start getting out in the winter months ? if so this event could be for you. 
2 days full of lots of information, advice, tuition and great fun whilst putting your new skills to the test. Join a group of like minded people all under the safety of qualified and insured winter mountain leaders.
What’s included -
Your instructor will provide you with - MAP/ HELMET / CRAMPONS / ICE AXE 
YOU MUST supply your own B2 boots. These can be hired from the likes of Tiso in Edinburgh, Perth or Aviemore. If you need further advice/ information on this please contact via email.
DAY 1 -
We will meet at 9am and head to a local café where we can grab a cuppa and start our introduction to winter skills . This day is more of a workshop day where we will concentrate on learning lots of new skills and preparing for winter. This day will be both indoors and outside.
What to buy for winter
How to read the weather & avalanche forecasts 
How to prepare for winter
How to pack and what to carry
Sourcing information
Looking at modern technology and how we can use it in winter
How to fit and use crampons
Movement coaching for efficiency
DAY 2 - 
We will meet at an arranged time in the morning and head out for our hike. We will practice our new skills and put them to the test whilst learning more about winter. Please note we will not necessarily be visiting any summits. The day will be based on the groups ability and weather conditions.
Understanding snow
Assessing avalanche risk on the hill
Winter navigation techniques ( map and compass )
How to move in crampons
Crampon techniques / different conditions
How to use the boot as a tool
How to use an ice axe to prevent a slide 
How to use an ice axe to stop a slide
This course is ran over two days, Each day will finish around 4.30pm approx. You must be a confident summer hiker who has the basic navigation skills ( be able to preform a bearing etc ). Winter days are a lot more demanding and good hill fitness is a must.
Your instructor will brief you on day 1 with a plan for the two days, due to the time of year and weather these plans may change last minute. The instructor will decide what is the best plan based on weather conditions, snow conditions and group safety. 
NO accommodation is provided with this event. You must find your own way to and from the event both days.
Meeting location and kit list will be provided upon booking. 
Ratio 1 : 4 
For more information please feel free to email. 
11 February

1 Day Winter Hill Skills